We can develop business applications in different programming languages and using different hardware and software application platforms, as different business environments require different technologies.
The list of employed technologies includes (but is not restricted by):
Platforms: UNIX (Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD), Windows (NT, Win2K, 9x/ME)
Languages, tools, technologies: Java (SWING, AWT, Servlets), C/C++, Delphi, Perl; PHP, ASP, JSP; J2EE (RMI, JNDI, JSP, EJB, Swing); CORBA;HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, VBScript ; MS Win (OLE, ActiveX, COM, ADO, DAO, ODBC, MFC,MAPI, ISAPI); CVS, SourceSafe; Macromedia
Data Processing:
Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL;
XML (XSL/XSLT, Xpath);
Web & Application Servers: BEA WebLogic, IBM Websphere, IAS, Oracle AS;
Apache, IIS; MS Site Server, MS Site Server Commerce, MS Commerce 2000
Analysis & Design Methodology and tools: UML, OOAD; ERWin, BPWin, Rational Rose
Belti-Universal communications can handle wide variety of projects that can be divided into the following groups
- Small self-sufficient programs
- Well-specified components
- Full-cycle projects
- System reverse engineering and redesign
The most important and useful for the end-customer are the two types, when our system analyst in cooperation with problem domain expert (usually from client side) designs software system that fits customer needs and optimizes his expenses.
We have experience in the different problem domains such as internal company management systems, banking and financial systems, reservation systems and general information systems.